The Winne Banta team never backs down from a challenge – even if that means climbing a 40ft wall!
Associates and interns from various departments – Tax, Trusts and Estates; Litigation; and Real Estate – learned the basics of climbing, bouldering, and falling (safely) from the wonderful staff at GOAT Climbing Gym (“GOAT”). GOAT, located on River Road in Hackensack, New Jersey is a community-focused climbing gym featuring 60ft competition walls, 40-60ft top rope climbs, and bouldering walls. It’s a fun and challenging environment and the Winne Banta team enjoyed the opportunity to support a local business, learn a new skill, and overcome the fear of heights (the floor does look quite far away from 40 ft up!). Altogether, the experience was an exercise of perseverance and strategic thinking, the same skills used by the Winne Banta team in their legal practice. They’re simply thankful to do so from the ground.