Camelia Grymes

Practice Areas
- University of Florida, B.S.
- University of Florida, J.D.
- Manhattanville College, M.P.S.
Bar Admissions
- Florida, 2004
- New Jersey 2019
Camelia practices in Winne Banta’s Litigation Department.
Prior to joining Winne Banta, Camelia specialized in several unique areas of law. Most
recently, Camelia defended New Jersey public entities in personal injury, contract, and
Open Public Records Act litigation, and provided legal counsel to public entities on a
variety of issues.
Before moving to the Northeast, Camelia practiced law in the State of Florida. She was
a Senior Attorney with Children’s Legal Services, which solely prosecuted cases of child
abuse, abandonment, or neglect. In that role, Camelia served as a legal advisor to child
protective investigators and dependency case managers, and conducted dependency
and termination of parental rights trials. Camelia garnered several accolades for her
work, including her appointment as Litigation Champion (Seminole and Brevard
Counties) and her receipt of the Central Region Litigation Award, which is presented to
a single recipient annually from the ranks of the State’s dependency litigators across the
12 counties that comprise Florida’s Central Region.
Additionally, Camelia is a former criminal prosecutor with the Ninth Judicial Circuit
(Orange and Osceola County, Florida). In that capacity, she represented the State of
Florida in criminal cases ranging in severity from petit theft to manslaughter. During her
tenure with the Ninth Judicial Circuit, she was named a DUI and Domestic Violence
Specialist and served in the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit.
Finally, Camelia participated in property defense matters, largely involving
condominiums along Florida’s coastlines.
Camelia attended law school at the University of Florida, where she thrived as a
member of the Moot Court Team. The year she made the team, she was chosen as a
member of the “Final Four,” and, as such, argued a case before the Florida Supreme
Court. In addition to her Moot Court membership, Camelia was a member of the Career
Development Conference Committee and served as a College of Law Ambassador.
Camelia has a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Criminology. She also possesses a
Master of Professional Studies and held dual licenses from the State of New York to
teach History (grades 5-12) and Special Education (grades 7-12). She has taught
students of all ages, including deaf students and students hospitalized with terminal
Phone: 201-562-1054
Assistant: Lisa Dipasquale
Email: [email protected]
Contact Us
Court Plaza South – East Wing
21 Main Street, Suite 101
Hackensack, NJ 07601-0647
P: (201) 487-3800
F: (201) 487-8529
[email protected]